[2013.11.13] 도시화와 거대도시들:급속성장의 결과들/Suresh Rao 교수(퍼듀대학교)

13/11/2013 22:32

고려대 환경생태공학부 2013년 가을학기 정기 세미나를 아래와 같이 실시하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

 ◆ 제목 : 도시화와 거대도시들: 급속성장의 결과들
               Urbanization & Mega Cities: Consequences of Rapid Growth
◆ 연사 : 퍼듀대학교 Suresh Rao 교수
◆ 일시 : 2013년 11월 13일 (수) 오후 1시~ 3시
◆ 장소 : 생명과학대학 서관 121호
◆ 문의 : 정진호 교수(3290-3066)


◆ 주요내용:
Rapid urbanization and the rise of mega cities is a global phenomenon, now with more than 50% of humanity living in urban and per-urban areas. With increased economic growth and population, the rural communities continue to migrate to large cities to seek opportunities. This trend has many positive outcomes, but cities have a large ecological foot print, with increasing demands for natural resources drawn from increasingly larger geographic regions.

In this seminar, we will examine two major themes, each with a set of guiding questions:

(1) Urban Growth & Functions: How do cities grow and function? How does growth of cities differ from natural systems? Is there a unifying theory for all urban systems??
(2) Consequences & Threats: What are the consequences of urbanization? What are the internal and external threats that urban areas face with impending global and socio-economic changes? How do we build sustainable and resilient cities?

We will look at some examples as the basis for a broad overview, and end with a discussion of issues that are relevant to Seoul, and other Asian mega cities. And, we will compare how future emerging cities (say, in Africa or South America) can learn from the lessons in Asia.